Wednesday, August 17, 2016

On your Journey to finding Health and finding a Healthy way to live as well as finding things to help relieve you of awful symptoms it can be difficult clicking from webpage to webpage  and reading article after article ,flipping page after page.. you get my point it is time consuming and at times even draining trying to find things that may or may not help you.

We have learned this by doing that, over the years and when I say years I mean 10 plus years we have done research as a family for various areas and symptoms in our loved ones lives,
we Have one family member who struggles with something on the Autism spectrum we are not sure exactly if it is Aspergers or Apraxia and we have found some supplements that really has helped them. We also have a loved one who suffers with multiple ailments that supplements have actually helped with some of their struggling including stabilize so they don't need to have more blood transfusions due to Iron deficiency Anemia. (and you will read below what that supplement is :).  when she couldn't take the iron pills as they caused severe stomach pain on top of the stomach symptoms she already struggles with and the only other option was continuing iron infusions and blood transfusions frequently we knew there had to be another way so as a Good Mother wouldn't let up and day after day night after night which she still does to this day to help our family We Love you Mom :)Thank you .

she found a supplement that helps its natural and its not technically sold as a "iron" supplement but it has a Lot of Naturally occurring iron in it and its in a way our bodies can accept and easily absorb through food and through true food made supplements and by taking them for a few weeks and getting re tested in labs our family members level went up enough to show it was working, after a month of taking them and retesting the levels continually increased to where as long as she takes them she can keep her levels stable so she doesn't need any iron infusions or blood transfusions,she has tried not taking them to see if her levels have just well leveled out and she has stopped taking them for a few weeks and re did labs and they significantly dropped so her physician said keep doing what your doing, and she is :)

The Product is Desiccated Beef Liver Pills she uses the Natures Life Brand 
but she is right now trying also the Perfect brand as they are Non Gmo  she has to take 3-5 daily but she has gotten where she can take 3 a day and maintained stable.

Many other products we have tried for her and our other family members that some have helped significantly, some a little and some not at all but please be aware that we are all different The Lord made us all in His image Glory be to our God and King , but also a little different so something that may help me may not help someone in my family and something that may help you may not help me so even the things I mention that haven't helped, if they benefit something that you or your loved one or someone you know are struggling with please do more research on it, or anything we mention even if they have helped us please do more research on it to see if it will help you and the only true way to know is to try them, when you do try a product a saving tip always try to purchase the smallest quantity first just to make sure your body is accepting of them, the quantity may not be enough for you to always notice a difference but it at least gives you an idea if your body is ok as our family member has purchased supplements and took one and couldn't take another. we always try to find someone to give them to or call and see if they have a return policy but its easier if you just order a smaller quantity in the beginning.
These are all things we have tried personally, we will not share anything that we have not personally either tried or know someone who has tried and we will let you know if we have tried, used, or still use any of it we are making this to help give you a place to find help we know its tough at times but keep searching Answers are out there. God's word says seek and you shall find :) 

This is Part 1
Part 2 is the next post which has a longer list of supplements and what they help with and where you can get them

Please Note we are not claiming any of the products, foods or anything we make mention of are a "cure" Only Jesus is our cure we are just sharing information about supplements and items that have helped us and things we enjoy and even things that haven't helped to try to help you :)

Thank you again 
we Hope to see you back in our future posts.
In Christ,


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