Wednesday, August 17, 2016

and the list goes on

and the List goes on :)

31. Topical Magnesium-
The Lord made our bodies absorb things in different ways and topically through our skin one of them.
It is also called Transdermal magnesium. The reason for using topical magnesium could be for 1 It helps with pain and 2 it absorbs quickly into the blood stream and it helps with muscle cramps (I Personally like the oral magnesium oxide chewed and left in mouth for a few to five minutes for muscle cramps better then topical as it absorbs quicker and relieves the pain quicker) it is also known if rubbed on the bottom of the feet to help promote sleep and relaxation, Improves mood and helps with magnesium deficiency.

Do Note it can tingle and that is normal , Please do not put it on a cut, wound or Scar!!!
It can Burn!

32. Oregano oil-
Oregano oil is An Amazing supplement. Oregano is an Amazing little herb by it self and the oil is very beneficial for a lot of things; here are just a few of them:
Oregano oil Aids in Digestion, Helps with Menstrual cycle regulation and keep your cycles regular, Protect against harmful organisms like food poisoning if you take it on a daily basis or before eating out, helps support weight loss, helps combat colds and any bugs as it is a powerful antiviral, High in many minerals and some vitamins, and Fights against Infections!

It does so much more Oregano oil is one of the ones I would recommend along with Turmeric to look up for infection and viral issues something I Think we all should be adding more into our daily diet (I'm talking to myself here also as I need to take it more!)

33.  Black Cherry Juice-
Now I told you that we wouldn't tell you about things that we haven't tried personally but this we have known about and have told some people about who have tried it and it helped a Lot so even though we haven't tried it personally we know others that have and I figured if it helps them it might help someone else reading this and if it does Im glad we shared it .

The Main benefit and reason I am sharing this is that it Helps reduce the pain and struggle with Gout as the tart cherry juice reduces the level of uric acid which if built up in the body can cause gout which I hear is very painful.

34. Squatty potty-
Anyone who has suffered constipation knows the uncomfortable struggle and pain you've dealt with.
Squatty potty is a foot stool that you put around your toilet and you put your feet on and it helps you get into a squatting position which is the position we were made to eliminate in, and it helps some people relieve their bowels better, quicker and easier.

you can get different ones.
They also have a product called Good Move to help you get things going if your constipated. It really does do a good job but it can cause some cramping and please be sure you take it on a day when you are Home because you will not only want but need to be near a bathroom!

35. Oxypowder-
Continuing on with the issue of constipation, oxypowder is a magnesium based cleanser for the colon and intestines. It does a great job of getting you cleaned out but you don't want to take it too often nor any colon cleanser or your bowels can become adjusted to it and not allow it to work the way it supposed to, so switching it up if your struggling with chronic constipation helps.

Also with oxypowder if you know you have an issue with digestion take it with warm lemon water at night and it should really help, depending on how full your intestines are it could take 1-3 days to get things moving but usually it doesn't take that long and you feel a true sense of relief when you use it.

Thank you for reading we Hope this helps you
May your week Be Blessed, Please keep coming back for more we are posting multiple times a week, we really want to help you regain your health and keep  your body which is God's Temple

In Christ,
I Hope your weekend has been Blessed!
Here are some more supplements that have been beneficial and a lot of help for my family and I.

21. IQed  -
IQed is a nutrition Rich Protein drink powder it is full of Vitamins, Minerals, healing herbs and foods.
It has made a big impact on many people who suffer from being on the Autism Spectrum and other issues even to helping people with seizures prevent them and lessen them.
As Most illness and health issues stem from a nutritional deficiency This supplement is awesome it also helps decrease the amount of supplements you would have to buy and take on a daily basis as you get it in this one product.
It is a Blessing to so many. It  has helped our loved one on their way to Health also. He is Speaking better and we notice changes with Him when he does or when he doesn't drink it.
Also if you struggle with getting enough nutrition in for the day this helps as well as if you struggle with your weight this helps as it is also a meal replacement.It is The best protein shake that I have personally tried and I have tried about 5 in total if not more.
If you do a search on it, look up the ingredient list its Amazing all that is in it and something that is important...
It is Delicious! :)
the link is below

22.  Activated Charcoal-
Activated Charcoal is an Amazing product it does so many things from Cleaning water and making it safe to drink, Whitening your teeth , Great for food poising as it helps your body get rid of it instead of absorb the toxins, great to put on mosquito, spider or any bites just make a paste with water and activated charcoal and put it on its and it will absorb the venom and help also with bites you can mix raw organic honey with the activated charcoal after about 2 hours of just having the charcoal on the bite as the honey will help soothe the bite and help clean it and heal it quicker.
 Activated Charcoal is also good in Helping you rid your body of toxins, to helping someone if they have had an over dose of medication, alcohol or drugs.
When someone overdoses on anything and goes to the ER, one of the first things the doctors do is administer Activated Charcoal in a NG tube down the nose as the Activated Charcoal binds with the drug and toxin and helps your body release it through stool or urine. It also helps reduce Gas and Bloating it has many more uses if your interested in Activated Charcoal I would look into it.
One other Great thing Activated Charcoal is Also Good for reducing symptoms of a
herxheimer reaction which is a reaction that happens sometimes when your body is getting rid of a lot of toxins or disease and its overwhelming to your body as the toxins leave your body quickly it can cause sometimes symptoms that are uncomfortable so taking the activated charcoal during a cleanse or if your struggling with something like lyme disease and are on antibiotics taking activated Charcoal helps with it. Prayer Helps the Most Pray for you and your families learn to Receive your Healing from The Lord Jesus wants to help :) We Just have to search for Him and Ask!

A tip about activated Charcoal it really never goes bad as long as it has been kept dry.

Activated Charcoal is easiest taken in capsules, be careful they will stain.

*Whitening Teeth Side Note* If you have any Caps or dentures Please be aware that it will stain them so I Wouldn't advise on using if you have those in the front of your teeth.

I Think at least 1 bottle of Activated Charcoal capsules should be in every ones supplement arsenal.

23. Cayenne -
Cayenne is a little known wonder in Health. It packs a punch in your mouth with its heat as a pepper and with your health.
Did you know that Cayenne if taken during the onset as soon as you or someone your with realizes they are having a Heart attack taking Cayenne extract has been known that it can help stop one in its tracks. I heard of a person having a heart attack, they gave him some cayenne extract he Rested and his friends Prayed for him and he was fine not long after! I was Shocked and Surprised when I Learned this information to say the least!
I'm Not guaranteeing that this will happen and You should seek medical help if your having symptoms of a heart attack or stroke, I'm just sharing this information with you :) I Hope you nor your loved ones ever have to experience that but you now know this may really help as it opens your veins your blood can flow and can help with the restriction that is causing the issue weather it be in the heart or anywhere else in the body.
Other known benefits of Cayenne pepper is
Helps with Digestion
Helps relieve Migraines or headaches
Helps fight colds and flu
Helps with boosting metabolism
Helps in preventing blood clots
Relieves Joint and nerve pain
and much more

you can take Cayenne in a few different ways but for the purposes of using it to help treat symptoms the best are either Capsules (I Recommend the cool version as it can cause heart burn if you use the original one cool is just where its isn't as hot)
The other way is Cayenne Extract which I think should be in everyones medicine cabinet as well as Activated Charcoal!

 24. Diatomaceous earth-
Diatomaceous Earth Also known as DE is a fossil that is found in dry ocean beds of diatoms they are full of Silica and Silica is what helps with skin, hair and nails it is a mineral we need in our body and we need more as we get older. You can take internally it is also great as a internal cleaner for your digestive system and helps rid your body of unwanted toxins as well as helps get rid of parasites in you or your pet, just add a sprinkle in your pets food daily and it will help get rid of any parasites that may be already there and help prevent them. For you its best to add a spoon full in water but If you want more on how to take it Please research How to take Diatomaceous Earth internally there are some helpful youtube videos on this.
DE is Also good as a toothpaste as it is in most toothpastes as an abrasive.
DE is Also a natural insect killer great to put on plants or anywhere you are struggling with bugs ants, roaches and more. It comes in a Powder form and PLEASE If you get it to take internally and give to your pets PLEASE be sure you look when you purchase it, be sure it says "FOOD GRADE" the other kind has had chemicals added to clean pools!
This is Very crucial!Please be careful when you take anything to do your research :)

25. Blackstrap Molasses-
Blackstrap Molasses is something many people have never heard about but it has such benefits.
Blackstrap molasses is Full of potassium , iron and selenium.
Its Great for someone struggling Anemia, and with thyroid issues as the Selenium is needed for the hormones to convert from inactive T4 to Active available T3.
It is Great also for your Garden if you notice your leaves on your plants are turning yellow and its not time for them to go dormant take a spoon full of Blackstrap Molasses put in a large pitcher of water and water your plants with it, try to not get it on the leaves just water at the base of the stem to let it get to the roots, it helps at times as in many cases the yellowing of the leaves can be from a potassium deficiency and the Blackstrap molasses helps replace it.
Blackstrap Molasses is good to have if you feel like your going to have a seizure take a little blackstrap molasses and leave in your mouth and I Personally have done this as well as if your having heart palpitations it does help for some!

I Hope this helps you as well as All of our information
Please note and remember we are not doctors and recommend that you Pray and seek God and The Lord and Remember none of the supplements or foods we share here are a cure, but they help you on your path to health and while you are Praying and learning to receive your Healing from The Lord.

If you need any help with any of the things we shared in any of our blogs.
Please comment below we are happy to help
God Bless you May You have a Blessed week filled with God's grace and unexpected blessings.
In Christ,
Hi Again :)
I Hope you are having a Blessed Week and this is encouraging you to start getting on or helping you on the path to better health and bringing you knowledge in an understandable way Please continue to come back as we will be also posting about Recipes in time to come as well as food and beauty items that we have tried and that we have enjoyed using ourselves.
Before I continue on this list I would like to make a disclaimer, We are in no way doctors just normal people who have struggled with seeing our loved ones suffer and took the time to do research and try multiple things that some help and some didn't but that doesn't mean they won't help for you, but since we are not doctors please before you start anything new especially if you are on medication please consult your physician before adding anything supplemental. 
We are here to just share what we have learned on our journey to healthy living.
We are not at this time sponsored in any way for any of the products we are sharing we are just sharing ones we have tried and use there are many others out there and with Prayer and time you can find things to help and we Hope this gives you a guide on where you can start.
lets continue with the list shall we :)

11. Ceylon Cinnamon-
Ceylon cinnamon is a pretty awesome thing. it is not your average cinnamon that you get at the store it has to say Ceylon cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon has many benefits that regular cinnamon doesn't have like for one it helps lower blood sugar, we have read and heard stories of people who have been able to lower or even get off of diabetic medication since taking ceylon cinnamon daily. The differences between regular store bought cinnamon that we know and ceylon cinnamon is a substance called coumarin which is in Cassia cinnamon cassia is the store bought cinnamon that we all know, too much coumarin has been shown in studies to be linked to liver damage and other health issues so too much store bought cinnamon is actually harmful to you. Ceylon cinnamon how ever doesn't have the coumarin and is Amazing in its benefits which start with blood sugar regulation it lowers glucose levels, is an anti-bacterial agent, anti-inflammatory, was mentioned in the Bible, defends against cognitive decline, help lower cancer risk and helps fight infections and viruses, helps protect dental health, helps with allergies and skin and so much more. You can get it in capsules, sticks or ground ceylon cinnamon.

12.  Probiotics- 
Probiotic means Pro Life, just like Anti biotic means anti life as it is meant to kill bad bacteria and infections but the thing is with antibiotics they also kill off the good bacterias along with the bad, and our bodies are made up of a bunch of good bacterias and if there are too little of them our body is out of balance and it allows for other infections like fungal infections and candida as well as a host of other issues with your stomach and intestines and more. 
so if you or anyone else were on a lot of antibiotics throughout your life it would be beneficial if you began a Probiotic, you can get them in capsules or eat fermented foods like Sauerkraut but not every sauerkraut is the same, the one we like to use is Bubbies Sauerkraut you can actually taste a difference in it.
Even if you have not had a lot of antibiotics thats great but you should still add even a light probiotic or eat more fermented foods as it will help your body stay and keep healthy you can not have too many good bacteria in your system.
Probiotics help treat intestinal issues like IBS,Crohns and any other G.I issues you or your loved one may be facing. Probiotics help in boosting your immune system, and help with many health issues. 

13. Digestive Enzymes-
Enzymes have been one of the things that have really made a difference in our loved ones lives.
There are many and each one work on a different area. Like Lipase works on breaking down fats.
Protease works on breaking down proteins etc as we get older our enzyme levels decrease, if you have g.i issues more then likely you do not have enough digestive enzymes to help break down your foods.
We like to use a few different ones and are constantly trying new ones, as with many of the things we list we try new forms of it as our bodies do become accustomed to it and it doesn't work as well after a year or so of taking the same and the same dose, and We like to get ones that are an all in one where they have a mix of enzymes to help break down most of not all the different food groups.
Please with enzymes be careful if they have Bile Salts or HCI in I wouldn't recommend to start with those unless you know you need them but I personally would start with less potent like the ones I list below or ones that you find similar. Bile Salts and HCI in particular are strong like stomach acid and too much can cause you to actually be in severe pain like heart burn but in your intestines. I personally recommend you stay away from those in the beginning and if you start those please start with a Tiny bit and keep with as little as possible. But Digestive enzymes Are Great when taken in products like ones I list below.
ones we have liked are 
Enzymedica many of their Enzymes are good, for breaking down fats only Lipo Gold is good as well as Digest Gold and their other mixes.

Rainbow brand Advanced Enzyme is good as it also has Tumeric,Peppermint,Bladderwrack and more that help not only break down the foods but also help sooth the stomach and intestine, and give your health a Blessing :)

Natures Sunshine Protease.

Also a Specific Enzyme that has been a Blessing for my family and me personally is Papaya chewable enzymes, they are Great for If you have heart burn, Painful gas, too much gas, and if you over ate, if you chew a few of the papaya enzymes it will help relieve you of your symptoms many if not most of the time
the ones we like are

American Health Chewable SUPER Papaya Enzyme Plus (you can use the regular ones but the SUPER Papaya Enzyme plus Really does make a difference in how fast it works and the peppermint in it actually helps more then the regular

and Many more but these are just a few if you would like more suggestions or have any questions on a product your thinking of trying feel free to comment below we will do our best to help you :)

14. Coconut Water-
Coconut Water is Very beneficial it helps you regain Hydration quicker then drinking water alone as it has so many minerals in it. It has been used in the poorer countries intravenously to rehydrate people as it is compatible with human blood.
It has so many nutrients and it even helps reduce blood pressure.
The main benefit is Hydration it also does other things like helps with digestion and some say help with weight loss.

Hydration is a very important thing if you are not hydrated your body cannot perform well as remember our bodies are made up of mostly water.

Coconut water is Great to drink along with at least 8- 8oz cups of water Daily it cannot just be one day drink it and the next day drink only 2, your body will appreciate you for it :)

There are many coconut water brands the one I Personally like is 
Zola as it is non Gmo and has a creamier yet refreshing taste you can learn more about them at 

and the one we are using more lately is a Powdered coconut water that you just add to water, its less expensive and you get More for your money. 
as a Coconut water bottle or container of coconut water is about $5 each for 2 servings (large bottle)
but with the powder you can get 12 servings for about $9
it is great for those who work outside especially in the heat of summer or those who sweat a lot, great for those in sports or those who suffer from dehydration or have a hard time getting in the 8-8oz glasses of water.
I don't want you to think that because you are adding the coconut water that it means that you don't need to still drink 8-8oz of water daily, you do but it helps you stay hydrated and helps those who are still working at getting in their water amount daily.

the coconut powder we like to use is called 

Coco Hydro
they have flavor ones like pineapple and pomegranate  I Personally haven't tried the flavor ones I really like and enjoy the original plain but my family members like the pineapple :)

15. Shikai Borage Therapy Lotion-Dry skin
For someone who has struggled with Dry skin most of my life I Tried many lotions and products and none really worked and I asked God to lead me to one and He did and this is the one!
It is natural and It Works! I have shared it with a few people that The Lord has brought in my life and one said her grandson suffered from psoriasis and he was embarrassed too wear shorts and she would rub oil on him to help as his skin was mottled and she would do other more harsh things to try to help but it did very little, so I told her about how the borage therapy helped me, I gave her a little from my bottle to try and she took it home and tried it, She said his skin never felt so soft, she texted me and asked me where I got it, I told her the store and she went and got a bottle, I hadn't seen her for a few weeks so the Next time I did she thanked me for telling her about it, she said His skin hasn't looked as beautiful she said He told her with tears in his eyes that he wasn't embarrassed he could wear shorts to his baseball now and His skin looked so beautiful that her daughter in law his mom seen the benefits and tried as she suffered from it also and her skin was starting to get better also, I am getting teary just writing this remembering. It just shows how God's Love works, He answered my prayer for a lotion, He had me share it and answered the need of a Grandmother and her Grandson.. God's Kids .
It has also helped My Loved ones who have struggled with chapped dry hands, and skin and makes your feet softer then they have been.

That is why I am including a lotion in this list as I know what its like to have such dry skin it hurts.
I Hope you try it and like it.
It is a bit pricy but I found if you search you can get it less expensive online then in stores. ins stores a small 6oz bottle is i believe $7 but the larger are $14 for 8oz an up to $22 for a 16oz bottle
I have found it for as little as $16 for a 16oz bottle on eBay .
they do have travel size also they are great to take in purse, they sell at most Sprouts farmers market.

16. Minerals- 
Minerals are Crucial for our Health, as God created us from dust we are made from Minerals, but the food we eat lacks Minerals immensely and due to it most if not all the population is deficient in at least one mineral but it wouldn't surprise me if it was more like most minerals.
to show you the significance of the need of minerals that we are not getting in our food, a woman in the 50's could eat 1 Peach and get all the nutrients she needed for the day now it takes a minimum of 40 peaches to equal out the nutrient amount of the 1 in the 1950's and I learned that over 5 years ago so the amount of peaches could be more now then 40 needed.

A Good Mineral supplement is vital for health.
one we use and have used for a while is 

PDCM 72+ (Plant Derived Colloidal Minerals)

there are many good ones out there Good is to get a Good Vitamin + Mineral 
one that I Know is Good is 

by Food Research called Vitamin-mineral 

17. Sea Salt-
Salt is very important as it is a Mineral= Sodium.
 Not all salt is the same the iodized salt that most of us are used to is actually not the good salt we need.
we Need salt, Salt is important. Even The Bible says we are to be Salt of the Earth. 
We are to season The Earth with God's gospel and Goodness.
Sea salt helps in maintaining hydration, reducing fluid retention ( I know when your swollen most doctors think its because you have too much sodium which can be, but most of the time now we know its because of a deficiency in true salt) it helps increase bone strength,promote natural sleeping patterns,promote balanced ph levels, helps maintain healthy blood sugar and much more.

The type of Salt we need is Sea Salt True Sea Salt from untouched sources and that have not been chemically treated. 
The salt from the sea is Gray, Pink and sometimes white but we need True sources of salt.

like Pink himalayan sea salt.

The salt we are used to has been stripped of minerals other then sodium and has placed iodine in it but not the good kind that salt is only good in my opinion for cleaning.

The salt to eat should have minerals like Pink Himalayan Sea Salt it has over 80 known trace minerals that the body needs.

the other Sea Salt that is Good Is Salinas Celtic sea salt. namely the Makai pure that is sourced from deeper then the normal salt.
You can read more about it from their website I will link it below.

19. Apple Cider Vinegar-
Apple Cider Vinegar has an Amazing array of Health benefits from Helping if you are fighting a uti or bladder infection and are suffering from the awful burning you get when urinating (I have experienced this first hand and it helped almost immediately for me and my puppy) yes it helped even my dog she was crying for over an hour i didn't know what to do I was about to take her to the ver and I thought she was constipated because she kept squatting, i did some research and it looked like she had uti so I squirted some apple cider vinegar mixed with colloidal silver and water in her mouth and held her and within about 30 minutes she stopped crying and was back to her old self within 2 hours. she didn't need to go to the vet Praise The Lord!
and I was suffering from burning when I urinated and a frequent urge to go so I took some apple cider vinegar (just a tablespoon mind you) and within about 20 minutes it was gone Praise The Lord!

Apple cider vinegar is known to help many things this is just some of them if you want to learn more you can look it up and youtube benefits of apple cider vinegar as with any of the things we share with you, you should take the time to learn more if you are interested :)

Boosts energy, Aids with weight loss, Helps with maintaining heart health, Helps with sore throat Gargle with a tsp of it when having a sore throat and swallow a bit of raw honey and it will help sooth throat.
Taking apple cider vinegar is known to help with allergies  , Helps with digestion, Helps in balancing PH levels, and so much more it is even a Great cleaning agent and gets rid of smells in dishes and more. Great natural cleaner for your house.

Also the Apple Cider Vinegar that we are speaking of is one with the mother which is the apple cider vinegar that is amber in color and not clear see through it needs to be cloudy.

the one we use most often is 

Braggs Apple Cider vinegar with the mother

but you can also at times find a good apple cider vinegar with the mother at some local farmers markets just make sure you get it with the mother.

20. Kelp and Sea Vegetables-
Kelp and sea vegetables are important as they contain a lot of minerals and iodine and it is in a way that our bodies are able to easily absorb.
eating kelp or sea vegetables or adding them as supplements to your diet will be beneficial to maintaining healthy mineral levels and more.

a good source is 

you can order the mix or get 

Kelp pills from any health food store or online also

Again we are not affiliated with any of these if we do become affiliated with Any of the products we mention we will be sure to let you know :) we want to be honest and just share with you things that help and that we have tried. No where on this list or anywhere on this blog or any of our blogs if we have more in the future, will you ever see anything we have not tried personally or someone in our family has tried.

Thank you again for reading and please follow our blog and come back for more.
Please leave in the comments what you think about our blog.
We are new to blogging so we hope you are enjoying it and that you are getting helped from this knowledge and information. if you have any questions or any suggestions please leave them below we are happy to read them and help if we can.

in Christ,
and The List continues 
We hope you are having a Blessed week and are being helped by this.

the next thing id like to mention is 

 5. Zinc-
There are many types of zinc as there are many different types of most vitamins and minerals. Zinc is very important, it is found in cells throughout the body, it is vital for the immune system to be strong and defend your body against attacks and is important for wound healing. 
It is needed for the metabolism of melatonin so it helps your body make and process the melatonin that your body needs for sleep so if your zinc deficient your body cannot fully metabolize the melatonin which could make it harder to sleep at night.
Zinc is also important in helping prevent diabetes as well as can help with keeping your body's insulin levels healthy as zinc is needed for your cells to not become insulin resistant and maintain insulin sensitive.
Zinc is needed for many hormone functions and Zinc is one of the most common deficiencies for someone fighting a thyroid issue. 
With zinc it can be difficult to take as many people including me and a few of my family members are very sensitive to it and you can get very nauseous and vomit with it if you take too much for your body's liking at one time, it doesn't mean you have taken too much, just that you have taken more then your body is used to at one time. This occurs mainly if you take it without food.A helpful suggestion is take it after you have eaten (not just a piece of bread at least a small meal) also taking a easily absorbable form like Zinc Picolinate or zinc orotate . Extra zinc is great to take when you are fighting a bug.

6. Desiccated Beef Liver pills-
This is what I wrote about in part 1 of this list that our family member uses. It has truly been God sent in our lives especially for someone who is deficient in iron even is great for someone who is low in vitamin B-12 as it is High in Vitamin B-12. It is a Natural way for your body to get in the iron and B-12 along with the other nutrients that the beef liver has in it and it is easily absorbed. We have shared this information with a few people we have met that have been anemic from iron deficiency and they went and got it and we didn't see them for a month or so and when we seen them next they Thanked us for telling them about it as they had their labs retested a few weeks after starting to take the beef liver pills and their levels had risen and increased to where they no longer needed iron infusions and blood transfusions and there has been a few people that has happened to aside from our family member who takes them. They are Great for women or girls, Teens or younger who have heavy periods and get very weak and fatigued on or after their period due to the amount of blood loss, taking the beef liver pills while and after the blood loss will help them regain strength and energy. If there is anyone in your life that is suffering from having to have frequent iron infusions, blood transfusions or having to take those awful and painful iron pills Please Share this information with them you just might be sparing them from a lot of suffering. The ones we Recommend are the ones that our family member uses and has used for years now it is Natures Life Desiccated Beef Liver pills, She has been recently using The Brand Perfect Desiccated Beef Liver pills, trying those out as they are non gmo. We will update on how she is doing with those, but for the ones we know that really work the Natures life is the one she used and the other people we told used and seen the great results.

7. Magnesium Glycinate-
Magnesium comes in different forms and each form does different things. 
Magnesium glycinate is easily absorbable and is great to help you go to sleep.
For those who have a hard time sleeping staying asleep and falling asleep and do not want to go on any sleep medication this is something you can try.
First remember sometimes God has us stay awake at night because He wants to tell us something so if you out of the blue stay up one night Pray and ask God if there is something He wants to tell you before running to take something to help you sleep, but if you struggle with it daily, still Pray and then take something like Magnesium Glycinate to help you, remember not everything helps everyone and it may not work if you take it daily your body becomes used to things and doesn't affect the same if taken too often but is a great thing to try if you need.

8.  Melatonin-
Melatonin is a Hormone that our body secretes to help us make us tired and go to sleep as well as stay asleep, melatonin also regulates other hormones and body functions .
If you are not sleeping well, you can try taking Melatonin to help you get some deeper or more quality sleep.
If you are going to try this or any of the supplements or products that are listed Please Start with a Very small and if your very sensitive to supplements,herbs you may want to start with even half the recommended dose.

9.  Omegas-
Omegas are Very important, Vital to your Health and the health of your brain and organs.
Omegas which are healthy fats play a very important role in protecting your brain and organs from damage. Omegas namely omega 3's are important for your heart they are beneficial for people who struggle with heart issues and have had heart attacks, they are important for helping to normalize cholesterol and for cognitive function and learning. Using Omegas with someone who struggles with learning, AdD and AdHd, autism and autism spectrum, Omegas really could help they have helped with our family member who is on autism spectrum they are one of the things that has helped. Fhor more information on how they help autism spectrum you can check out this link or do some more research into it :).

There are many kinds and forms of Omegas the omegas you want are omegas 3,6, and 9  but in todays time we get too much omega 6 and not enough omega 3.
Great sources of omegas are Chia seeds (we will be talking more on Chia seeds down the list :), Flax oil, Hemp oil and coconut oil,Fish and Fish supplements as well as many others.
A few that we use personally and like are

we use the PRoEpa and DHA from Nordic Naturals (you can get through other stores I am just posting the links to ones I know and that most people go through :)

This is one that a few of the members in our family use we like these as they have the lemon oil in them and we don't notice any burping with them as with some others.

10. Chia Seeds-
See I told you we would be talking about Chia seeds soon :) they are an awesome Seed That The Good Lord made for us to have and use. Chia ,yes it sounds familiar right? Ch Ch Ch Chia.. yes, it is the seeds that you used on your chia pet.
They have so much value and nutrition in such a tiny seed.They are Rich in Fiber, Protein, Omega # and 6, Calcium, Phosphorous, Potassium and Zinc.
A serving of Chia seeds can give you up to 42% of your daily value.
2 table spoons of Chia seeds has more Calcium then an 8oz glass of milk, More omegas then a piece of fish and more potassium than a banana. It is loaded with nutrition.
The American indians used to take a canteen of water and a pouch of Chia seeds with them on hunting trips that lasted up to 2 weeks long and that is all they ate and survived on.
 Note that with Chia seeds you need to put in water or juice and shake let it sit for at least 5-10 minutes with you shaking it up in between before you 
Drink it as chia seeds hold up to 8 times their weight in water and they swell up and when they do they make a gel and when you drink them they coat your intestines due to the fiber and when they do be sure you are drinking a lot of water and staying hydrated as they will make you... go... well we are friends now right .. I think I can say the P word with you without being embarrassed right? I mean we are both people right?
It will make you Poop!!
Thats right I said it P o o p .. Poop.. hehe i thought that might give you a giggle.
but seriously it is known to clean people out.

Note though that it is very high in fiber and people who have issues with fiber this might not be a good thing for them to try until they get their system more healed and ready for it. 

You can get Chia seeds from most stores you can ask someone at your local grocery store if they carry Chia seeds and where they are. Some stores carry them in their bulk section while others sell them pre packed. Chia seeds range from $3-$5 for 12-16oz

We will be adding more to this list. If there is anything specific you would like to know about and see if we have tried anything and want our feed back on it. please comment below and we will be happy to help you if we can.
We are making this Blog as a way to give back all the knowledge we have to help others who might be struggling in situations we have faced and are looking for answers that we may have learned over the years and help you comb through the vast information in one simple to read and understand and fun place.

We Hope to make this enjoyable as well as educational and inspirational to read please come back for more and check for updates.

In Christ,
I Hope that this has been so far encouraging and helpful

Here is the beginning of an ongoing list of supplements and more that after years of research we have learned about and some help and are great for taking daily and others are great and useful to have incase of an emergency.

The list is in no particular order of most importance just going as The Lord has me list :)

1. Iodine- we personally like the nascent or drops like Lugols the one I like the most is from called Detoxadine for someone like our family member who is low on iodine and struggles with thyroid issues taking detoxadine helps her with energy we notice a difference when she takes it she has more energy and says she feels a difference when she takes it, just be sure you don't take it before bed or you won't sleep because you will have energy well not every one experiences the same effects but that is how it affects her and some people.
Iodine is Great for Hormonal issues as Every Tissue in the human body requires iodine to function and The Thyroid uses up most of that to create thyroid hormones which is great if you have low thyroid function, low iodine might be the cause as iodine is deficient now in our foods as are most if not all minerals and eating iodine salt isn't enough plus it isn't good for you to be eating at all and we will talk about salt down the list.The Thyroid and its hormones are very important for various functions such as controlling metabolism as every cell in the body depends on the thyroid for its metabolism.

Iodine is Great especially if you are needing tests that require radiation such as X-Rays or CT Scans as most people don't know or realize X-Rays including the ones you get at the dentists office produce and put on your body enough radiation that you would get living a Whole year on Earth. so when you get a single X-Ray your body based on the radiation is one year older in a sense.
CT Scans are Much Worse 1 Ct scan is equivalent to 200 X-Rays and that is A SINGLE Ct Scan you can look this up for yourself I was shocked when I Read about it, so think about how much radiation you are getting every time you go to the dentist or if you have to have one from the hospital or doctor, We Now limit As little X-Rays and Ct Scans especially as possible but if In a situation where you feel you have to get one, Iodine comes and Helps.
Taking a dose of Iodine 1 hour before your Ct Scan or X-Ray helps reduce how much your body absorbs the radiation,the iodine helps ward it off. something we do now is carry a little bottle of iodine with us so if an emergency happens and we have to go to ER and get x ray we can take iodine as soon as we find out an X-ray is needed. the bottles are tiny most of the time and ones like detoxadine requires just 3 drops. Lugols iodine you can get from Amazon or different health food stores normally requires you to our 3-5 drops in water . Iodine is a Great mineral if you want you can look up more on it.


2. Vitamin- C 
Most of us know when your fighting a bug Drinking orange juice is something your doctor recommends but the reason is because of the high amount of vitamin C.

Vitamin C Has a long list of health benefits such as helping Allergies due to it having antihistamine properties, is found in many skin products now a days,Protects skin from too much UV rays, and helps with wrinkles.
If your life like ours has had a lot of stress in it, taking vitamin C Daily has been shown to help with the adverse effects of stress, vitamin C Helps with lowering Cholesterol.
Vitamin C is essential for producing Collagen and in turn Helps heal wounds quicker and better.
Vitamin C Helps with Blood flow and has in studies been shown to help with people struggling with heart issues where the vessels are not dilating enough such as congestive heart failure and High blood pressure taking a daily dose will help keep your body stronger as Vitamin C has also been known to help strengthen immunity and Has been Shown in HIGH doses to help with Lung issues and we have even heard of it helping people Significantly.

one that we like is

There are many good ones we like this one as it is made from Whole true foods and is made from Cherries.

There are many more benefits of Vitamin C these are just the main ones we know about.


3. Magnesium oxide
There are Many different forms of Magnesium , but in our family Magnesium has been God sent in our lives it has saved us many times from a few different things.

for example if you or anyone you know struggle , have suffered from or ever had a Muscle Cramp or whats considered a "Charlie Horse" you know how Painful they can be and at times can take days to fully recover from a severe one.

If you have any Magnesium on hand if you ever feel one coming on or get a cramp. if you can get to the Magnesium Do As soon as possible and please get Tablets, I Know this may sound gross but Chew the tablet and leave it in your mouth for a few minutes, thats all it really takes, a few of our family members have suffered with Severe leg cramps and Praise The Lord we had some magnesium on hand and they listened and chewed them and let the magnesium sit in their mouth and within minutes the cramp is gone. The reason for leaving them in your mouth is your mouth has these absorbers around the inside of your cheeks and under your tongue and thats why some supplements and medications are now coming "Sublingual" which means under tongue as the medication or in this case supplement touches the absorbers, the absorbers.. well Absorb and it goes directly into the blood stream kinda like a i.v or shot without the pain.
the kind of magnesium we use is just one you can get at CVS its not good for magnesium deficiency but its good for a cramp its also good in high doses for severe constipation. if nothing else works for you and taking laxatives are too harsh as it is for our family member, taking a handful of the magnesium usually over 1000 mg works and it will get you going but please be sure that you are by a bathroom as you will....Go!!
this magnesium is Magnesium oxide for this we use Natures bounty you can find at some cvs and some other stores like Ralphs it is in the green bottle.

There are many other Magnesium we will be talking about some more of them later in the list.


4. Castor Oil
Yes, that icky oil that many old time movies and shows show the kids taking a table spoon of but the thing is they knew what they were doing as Castor oil has a lot of health benefits and uses we will list some of them here.

First and most known well is The use for constipation, it doesn't help for everybody but it does work. taking a few tsp or up to a table spoon or two daily if your backed will usually help get things moving, but also something I've learned fairly recently is that if you get castor oil capsules and put them in the freezer it will take about a week for them to fully freeze but once they are frozen and you take them frozen they are said to bypass your stomach being unopened and untouched by your stomach and stomach acid and go to your small intestine and open there and when they do they help you get rid of parasites. ew I Know but they are something that most people do have and we should talk about how to get rid of them especially when you eat pork as pork is known for having parasites its said if you eat pork that you have a high chance of having worms in your intestines that feed off your body and they take your nutrition they thrive off taking away your nourishment so the money time and effort your putting into eating well isn't going to you but more to the parasites, thats why its good to do a parasite cleanse from time to time to get them out if you have them, if not it will help you just cleanse your colon from old waste. I think we are friends now that we can talk about this stuff am I right? I mean I'm just trying to help you regain or gain even for the first time your health with these tidbits of knowledge we have gained over the years and to be honest as gross as it is I would have liked it if someone namely a friend :) would have shared this knowledge with me knowing they were doing it to help me.  Now Castor oil isn't the only thing you should be taking if your doing a parasite cleanse but you can research different parasite cleanses there are more gentle ones you can try out if you have a more sensitive stomach and system and you can work your way to stronger ones if you feel the need to.
Now Castor oil isn't just good for cleansing out your colon, it is good for a variety of things like is good to put on very dry skin use a little as it is very thick if you rub on just a little and rub it in good, it helps hydrate your skin great for in summer if your dehydrated and have dry skin or in winter and your skin becomes chapped.
Many don't know that Castor oil is meant as The Palm of Christ. I just thought id throw in that neat tidbit :)

More to Come...

Thank you again for returning to our Blog TidbitsofHealth
We Hope you are Enjoying your reading and are getting helped.
Please leave any comments below if you have any questions on anything we list and Please Share with your family and friends that you know may be struggling with anything that you see these may help.

God Bless you on your Journey to a Healthier you and Family.

In Christ,
On your Journey to finding Health and finding a Healthy way to live as well as finding things to help relieve you of awful symptoms it can be difficult clicking from webpage to webpage  and reading article after article ,flipping page after page.. you get my point it is time consuming and at times even draining trying to find things that may or may not help you.

We have learned this by doing that, over the years and when I say years I mean 10 plus years we have done research as a family for various areas and symptoms in our loved ones lives,
we Have one family member who struggles with something on the Autism spectrum we are not sure exactly if it is Aspergers or Apraxia and we have found some supplements that really has helped them. We also have a loved one who suffers with multiple ailments that supplements have actually helped with some of their struggling including stabilize so they don't need to have more blood transfusions due to Iron deficiency Anemia. (and you will read below what that supplement is :).  when she couldn't take the iron pills as they caused severe stomach pain on top of the stomach symptoms she already struggles with and the only other option was continuing iron infusions and blood transfusions frequently we knew there had to be another way so as a Good Mother wouldn't let up and day after day night after night which she still does to this day to help our family We Love you Mom :)Thank you .

she found a supplement that helps its natural and its not technically sold as a "iron" supplement but it has a Lot of Naturally occurring iron in it and its in a way our bodies can accept and easily absorb through food and through true food made supplements and by taking them for a few weeks and getting re tested in labs our family members level went up enough to show it was working, after a month of taking them and retesting the levels continually increased to where as long as she takes them she can keep her levels stable so she doesn't need any iron infusions or blood transfusions,she has tried not taking them to see if her levels have just well leveled out and she has stopped taking them for a few weeks and re did labs and they significantly dropped so her physician said keep doing what your doing, and she is :)

The Product is Desiccated Beef Liver Pills she uses the Natures Life Brand 
but she is right now trying also the Perfect brand as they are Non Gmo  she has to take 3-5 daily but she has gotten where she can take 3 a day and maintained stable.

Many other products we have tried for her and our other family members that some have helped significantly, some a little and some not at all but please be aware that we are all different The Lord made us all in His image Glory be to our God and King , but also a little different so something that may help me may not help someone in my family and something that may help you may not help me so even the things I mention that haven't helped, if they benefit something that you or your loved one or someone you know are struggling with please do more research on it, or anything we mention even if they have helped us please do more research on it to see if it will help you and the only true way to know is to try them, when you do try a product a saving tip always try to purchase the smallest quantity first just to make sure your body is accepting of them, the quantity may not be enough for you to always notice a difference but it at least gives you an idea if your body is ok as our family member has purchased supplements and took one and couldn't take another. we always try to find someone to give them to or call and see if they have a return policy but its easier if you just order a smaller quantity in the beginning.
These are all things we have tried personally, we will not share anything that we have not personally either tried or know someone who has tried and we will let you know if we have tried, used, or still use any of it we are making this to help give you a place to find help we know its tough at times but keep searching Answers are out there. God's word says seek and you shall find :) 

This is Part 1
Part 2 is the next post which has a longer list of supplements and what they help with and where you can get them

Please Note we are not claiming any of the products, foods or anything we make mention of are a "cure" Only Jesus is our cure we are just sharing information about supplements and items that have helped us and things we enjoy and even things that haven't helped to try to help you :)

Thank you again 
we Hope to see you back in our future posts.
In Christ,

Welcome to TidbitsofHealth

We have created a Blog to Help you with learning New and time tested Natural alternatives for health struggles that you may be facing.

We plan on making it in a easy to read format that is simple to understand.
This all came about due to having loved ones in our family struggle with some Awful and debilitating symptoms and after a lot of Prayer trial and error by The Grace of God have found some things that help and would like to share them with you.

 These things will include 
Supplements, Foods,Herbs and even over the counter things that help and are more natural.
Medicine has its place, but we strive to stay as natural as possible as God provided all we needed in the beginning.

There are A Lot more posts to come Please come back frequently as we will be posting about new things we have tried and learned.

including new recipes as a few loved ones in our family struggle with multiple food sensitivities so we will be posting links to foods as well as recipes (Delicious Recipes if I Might add :) that exclude many of the most issue causing foods such as Dairy,Gluten,Soy,Corn, (we will include some recipes with eggs and some without so please when you read the recipe look over it carefully as we will note if it does have any) and more.

we also will be giving ideas on how to add these supplements, foods and more into your diet, its not about being on a "diet" the rest of your life its about changing the way you eat and think and being more caring about what we feed our bodies, its like a machine you wouldn't put Dish soap in your Gas tank and expect it to run right?

Well, how can we expect to put... lets be honest.. garbage in our bodies that The Good Lord meant for Nutrition and expect them to run normally we need to feed ourselves in a way that Honors God as our bodies are The Temple of His Holy spirit and in a way that honors our body and says to our body I appreciate that you are working so I will give you what you need to work!

This blog is to help you learn what has taken us over a decade of reading and research, Trial and error to learn, we wanted to create a place that we would loved to have when we first started researching, a concise simple form and list of supplements, and things that are tried and true and things we tried and that didn't help much or at all, but They still may be beneficial for you or your loved ones as we all are different and struggling with different things.
so as I write this and Welcome you to our page I Welcome you and Pray that This blog Blesses you in so many ways and helps you get a guide to help you start or continue your Journey to a Healthier you and a Healthier Family for you and your Loved ones.

in Christ,