Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I Hope that this has been so far encouraging and helpful

Here is the beginning of an ongoing list of supplements and more that after years of research we have learned about and some help and are great for taking daily and others are great and useful to have incase of an emergency.

The list is in no particular order of most importance just going as The Lord has me list :)

1. Iodine- we personally like the nascent or drops like Lugols the one I like the most is from called Detoxadine for someone like our family member who is low on iodine and struggles with thyroid issues taking detoxadine helps her with energy we notice a difference when she takes it she has more energy and says she feels a difference when she takes it, just be sure you don't take it before bed or you won't sleep because you will have energy well not every one experiences the same effects but that is how it affects her and some people.
Iodine is Great for Hormonal issues as Every Tissue in the human body requires iodine to function and The Thyroid uses up most of that to create thyroid hormones which is great if you have low thyroid function, low iodine might be the cause as iodine is deficient now in our foods as are most if not all minerals and eating iodine salt isn't enough plus it isn't good for you to be eating at all and we will talk about salt down the list.The Thyroid and its hormones are very important for various functions such as controlling metabolism as every cell in the body depends on the thyroid for its metabolism.

Iodine is Great especially if you are needing tests that require radiation such as X-Rays or CT Scans as most people don't know or realize X-Rays including the ones you get at the dentists office produce and put on your body enough radiation that you would get living a Whole year on Earth. so when you get a single X-Ray your body based on the radiation is one year older in a sense.
CT Scans are Much Worse 1 Ct scan is equivalent to 200 X-Rays and that is A SINGLE Ct Scan you can look this up for yourself I was shocked when I Read about it, so think about how much radiation you are getting every time you go to the dentist or if you have to have one from the hospital or doctor, We Now limit As little X-Rays and Ct Scans especially as possible but if In a situation where you feel you have to get one, Iodine comes and Helps.
Taking a dose of Iodine 1 hour before your Ct Scan or X-Ray helps reduce how much your body absorbs the radiation,the iodine helps ward it off. something we do now is carry a little bottle of iodine with us so if an emergency happens and we have to go to ER and get x ray we can take iodine as soon as we find out an X-ray is needed. the bottles are tiny most of the time and ones like detoxadine requires just 3 drops. Lugols iodine you can get from Amazon or different health food stores normally requires you to our 3-5 drops in water . Iodine is a Great mineral if you want you can look up more on it.


2. Vitamin- C 
Most of us know when your fighting a bug Drinking orange juice is something your doctor recommends but the reason is because of the high amount of vitamin C.

Vitamin C Has a long list of health benefits such as helping Allergies due to it having antihistamine properties, is found in many skin products now a days,Protects skin from too much UV rays, and helps with wrinkles.
If your life like ours has had a lot of stress in it, taking vitamin C Daily has been shown to help with the adverse effects of stress, vitamin C Helps with lowering Cholesterol.
Vitamin C is essential for producing Collagen and in turn Helps heal wounds quicker and better.
Vitamin C Helps with Blood flow and has in studies been shown to help with people struggling with heart issues where the vessels are not dilating enough such as congestive heart failure and High blood pressure taking a daily dose will help keep your body stronger as Vitamin C has also been known to help strengthen immunity and Has been Shown in HIGH doses to help with Lung issues and we have even heard of it helping people Significantly.

one that we like is

There are many good ones we like this one as it is made from Whole true foods and is made from Cherries.

There are many more benefits of Vitamin C these are just the main ones we know about.


3. Magnesium oxide
There are Many different forms of Magnesium , but in our family Magnesium has been God sent in our lives it has saved us many times from a few different things.

for example if you or anyone you know struggle , have suffered from or ever had a Muscle Cramp or whats considered a "Charlie Horse" you know how Painful they can be and at times can take days to fully recover from a severe one.

If you have any Magnesium on hand if you ever feel one coming on or get a cramp. if you can get to the Magnesium Do As soon as possible and please get Tablets, I Know this may sound gross but Chew the tablet and leave it in your mouth for a few minutes, thats all it really takes, a few of our family members have suffered with Severe leg cramps and Praise The Lord we had some magnesium on hand and they listened and chewed them and let the magnesium sit in their mouth and within minutes the cramp is gone. The reason for leaving them in your mouth is your mouth has these absorbers around the inside of your cheeks and under your tongue and thats why some supplements and medications are now coming "Sublingual" which means under tongue as the medication or in this case supplement touches the absorbers, the absorbers.. well Absorb and it goes directly into the blood stream kinda like a i.v or shot without the pain.
the kind of magnesium we use is just one you can get at CVS its not good for magnesium deficiency but its good for a cramp its also good in high doses for severe constipation. if nothing else works for you and taking laxatives are too harsh as it is for our family member, taking a handful of the magnesium usually over 1000 mg works and it will get you going but please be sure that you are by a bathroom as you will....Go!!
this magnesium is Magnesium oxide for this we use Natures bounty you can find at some cvs and some other stores like Ralphs it is in the green bottle.

There are many other Magnesium we will be talking about some more of them later in the list.


4. Castor Oil
Yes, that icky oil that many old time movies and shows show the kids taking a table spoon of but the thing is they knew what they were doing as Castor oil has a lot of health benefits and uses we will list some of them here.

First and most known well is The use for constipation, it doesn't help for everybody but it does work. taking a few tsp or up to a table spoon or two daily if your backed will usually help get things moving, but also something I've learned fairly recently is that if you get castor oil capsules and put them in the freezer it will take about a week for them to fully freeze but once they are frozen and you take them frozen they are said to bypass your stomach being unopened and untouched by your stomach and stomach acid and go to your small intestine and open there and when they do they help you get rid of parasites. ew I Know but they are something that most people do have and we should talk about how to get rid of them especially when you eat pork as pork is known for having parasites its said if you eat pork that you have a high chance of having worms in your intestines that feed off your body and they take your nutrition they thrive off taking away your nourishment so the money time and effort your putting into eating well isn't going to you but more to the parasites, thats why its good to do a parasite cleanse from time to time to get them out if you have them, if not it will help you just cleanse your colon from old waste. I think we are friends now that we can talk about this stuff am I right? I mean I'm just trying to help you regain or gain even for the first time your health with these tidbits of knowledge we have gained over the years and to be honest as gross as it is I would have liked it if someone namely a friend :) would have shared this knowledge with me knowing they were doing it to help me.  Now Castor oil isn't the only thing you should be taking if your doing a parasite cleanse but you can research different parasite cleanses there are more gentle ones you can try out if you have a more sensitive stomach and system and you can work your way to stronger ones if you feel the need to.
Now Castor oil isn't just good for cleansing out your colon, it is good for a variety of things like is good to put on very dry skin use a little as it is very thick if you rub on just a little and rub it in good, it helps hydrate your skin great for in summer if your dehydrated and have dry skin or in winter and your skin becomes chapped.
Many don't know that Castor oil is meant as The Palm of Christ. I just thought id throw in that neat tidbit :)

More to Come...

Thank you again for returning to our Blog TidbitsofHealth
We Hope you are Enjoying your reading and are getting helped.
Please leave any comments below if you have any questions on anything we list and Please Share with your family and friends that you know may be struggling with anything that you see these may help.

God Bless you on your Journey to a Healthier you and Family.

In Christ,

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