Wednesday, August 17, 2016

and the list goes on

and the List goes on :)

31. Topical Magnesium-
The Lord made our bodies absorb things in different ways and topically through our skin one of them.
It is also called Transdermal magnesium. The reason for using topical magnesium could be for 1 It helps with pain and 2 it absorbs quickly into the blood stream and it helps with muscle cramps (I Personally like the oral magnesium oxide chewed and left in mouth for a few to five minutes for muscle cramps better then topical as it absorbs quicker and relieves the pain quicker) it is also known if rubbed on the bottom of the feet to help promote sleep and relaxation, Improves mood and helps with magnesium deficiency.

Do Note it can tingle and that is normal , Please do not put it on a cut, wound or Scar!!!
It can Burn!

32. Oregano oil-
Oregano oil is An Amazing supplement. Oregano is an Amazing little herb by it self and the oil is very beneficial for a lot of things; here are just a few of them:
Oregano oil Aids in Digestion, Helps with Menstrual cycle regulation and keep your cycles regular, Protect against harmful organisms like food poisoning if you take it on a daily basis or before eating out, helps support weight loss, helps combat colds and any bugs as it is a powerful antiviral, High in many minerals and some vitamins, and Fights against Infections!

It does so much more Oregano oil is one of the ones I would recommend along with Turmeric to look up for infection and viral issues something I Think we all should be adding more into our daily diet (I'm talking to myself here also as I need to take it more!)

33.  Black Cherry Juice-
Now I told you that we wouldn't tell you about things that we haven't tried personally but this we have known about and have told some people about who have tried it and it helped a Lot so even though we haven't tried it personally we know others that have and I figured if it helps them it might help someone else reading this and if it does Im glad we shared it .

The Main benefit and reason I am sharing this is that it Helps reduce the pain and struggle with Gout as the tart cherry juice reduces the level of uric acid which if built up in the body can cause gout which I hear is very painful.

34. Squatty potty-
Anyone who has suffered constipation knows the uncomfortable struggle and pain you've dealt with.
Squatty potty is a foot stool that you put around your toilet and you put your feet on and it helps you get into a squatting position which is the position we were made to eliminate in, and it helps some people relieve their bowels better, quicker and easier.

you can get different ones.
They also have a product called Good Move to help you get things going if your constipated. It really does do a good job but it can cause some cramping and please be sure you take it on a day when you are Home because you will not only want but need to be near a bathroom!

35. Oxypowder-
Continuing on with the issue of constipation, oxypowder is a magnesium based cleanser for the colon and intestines. It does a great job of getting you cleaned out but you don't want to take it too often nor any colon cleanser or your bowels can become adjusted to it and not allow it to work the way it supposed to, so switching it up if your struggling with chronic constipation helps.

Also with oxypowder if you know you have an issue with digestion take it with warm lemon water at night and it should really help, depending on how full your intestines are it could take 1-3 days to get things moving but usually it doesn't take that long and you feel a true sense of relief when you use it.

Thank you for reading we Hope this helps you
May your week Be Blessed, Please keep coming back for more we are posting multiple times a week, we really want to help you regain your health and keep  your body which is God's Temple

In Christ,

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