Wednesday, August 17, 2016

and The List continues 
We hope you are having a Blessed week and are being helped by this.

the next thing id like to mention is 

 5. Zinc-
There are many types of zinc as there are many different types of most vitamins and minerals. Zinc is very important, it is found in cells throughout the body, it is vital for the immune system to be strong and defend your body against attacks and is important for wound healing. 
It is needed for the metabolism of melatonin so it helps your body make and process the melatonin that your body needs for sleep so if your zinc deficient your body cannot fully metabolize the melatonin which could make it harder to sleep at night.
Zinc is also important in helping prevent diabetes as well as can help with keeping your body's insulin levels healthy as zinc is needed for your cells to not become insulin resistant and maintain insulin sensitive.
Zinc is needed for many hormone functions and Zinc is one of the most common deficiencies for someone fighting a thyroid issue. 
With zinc it can be difficult to take as many people including me and a few of my family members are very sensitive to it and you can get very nauseous and vomit with it if you take too much for your body's liking at one time, it doesn't mean you have taken too much, just that you have taken more then your body is used to at one time. This occurs mainly if you take it without food.A helpful suggestion is take it after you have eaten (not just a piece of bread at least a small meal) also taking a easily absorbable form like Zinc Picolinate or zinc orotate . Extra zinc is great to take when you are fighting a bug.

6. Desiccated Beef Liver pills-
This is what I wrote about in part 1 of this list that our family member uses. It has truly been God sent in our lives especially for someone who is deficient in iron even is great for someone who is low in vitamin B-12 as it is High in Vitamin B-12. It is a Natural way for your body to get in the iron and B-12 along with the other nutrients that the beef liver has in it and it is easily absorbed. We have shared this information with a few people we have met that have been anemic from iron deficiency and they went and got it and we didn't see them for a month or so and when we seen them next they Thanked us for telling them about it as they had their labs retested a few weeks after starting to take the beef liver pills and their levels had risen and increased to where they no longer needed iron infusions and blood transfusions and there has been a few people that has happened to aside from our family member who takes them. They are Great for women or girls, Teens or younger who have heavy periods and get very weak and fatigued on or after their period due to the amount of blood loss, taking the beef liver pills while and after the blood loss will help them regain strength and energy. If there is anyone in your life that is suffering from having to have frequent iron infusions, blood transfusions or having to take those awful and painful iron pills Please Share this information with them you just might be sparing them from a lot of suffering. The ones we Recommend are the ones that our family member uses and has used for years now it is Natures Life Desiccated Beef Liver pills, She has been recently using The Brand Perfect Desiccated Beef Liver pills, trying those out as they are non gmo. We will update on how she is doing with those, but for the ones we know that really work the Natures life is the one she used and the other people we told used and seen the great results.

7. Magnesium Glycinate-
Magnesium comes in different forms and each form does different things. 
Magnesium glycinate is easily absorbable and is great to help you go to sleep.
For those who have a hard time sleeping staying asleep and falling asleep and do not want to go on any sleep medication this is something you can try.
First remember sometimes God has us stay awake at night because He wants to tell us something so if you out of the blue stay up one night Pray and ask God if there is something He wants to tell you before running to take something to help you sleep, but if you struggle with it daily, still Pray and then take something like Magnesium Glycinate to help you, remember not everything helps everyone and it may not work if you take it daily your body becomes used to things and doesn't affect the same if taken too often but is a great thing to try if you need.

8.  Melatonin-
Melatonin is a Hormone that our body secretes to help us make us tired and go to sleep as well as stay asleep, melatonin also regulates other hormones and body functions .
If you are not sleeping well, you can try taking Melatonin to help you get some deeper or more quality sleep.
If you are going to try this or any of the supplements or products that are listed Please Start with a Very small and if your very sensitive to supplements,herbs you may want to start with even half the recommended dose.

9.  Omegas-
Omegas are Very important, Vital to your Health and the health of your brain and organs.
Omegas which are healthy fats play a very important role in protecting your brain and organs from damage. Omegas namely omega 3's are important for your heart they are beneficial for people who struggle with heart issues and have had heart attacks, they are important for helping to normalize cholesterol and for cognitive function and learning. Using Omegas with someone who struggles with learning, AdD and AdHd, autism and autism spectrum, Omegas really could help they have helped with our family member who is on autism spectrum they are one of the things that has helped. Fhor more information on how they help autism spectrum you can check out this link or do some more research into it :).

There are many kinds and forms of Omegas the omegas you want are omegas 3,6, and 9  but in todays time we get too much omega 6 and not enough omega 3.
Great sources of omegas are Chia seeds (we will be talking more on Chia seeds down the list :), Flax oil, Hemp oil and coconut oil,Fish and Fish supplements as well as many others.
A few that we use personally and like are

we use the PRoEpa and DHA from Nordic Naturals (you can get through other stores I am just posting the links to ones I know and that most people go through :)

This is one that a few of the members in our family use we like these as they have the lemon oil in them and we don't notice any burping with them as with some others.

10. Chia Seeds-
See I told you we would be talking about Chia seeds soon :) they are an awesome Seed That The Good Lord made for us to have and use. Chia ,yes it sounds familiar right? Ch Ch Ch Chia.. yes, it is the seeds that you used on your chia pet.
They have so much value and nutrition in such a tiny seed.They are Rich in Fiber, Protein, Omega # and 6, Calcium, Phosphorous, Potassium and Zinc.
A serving of Chia seeds can give you up to 42% of your daily value.
2 table spoons of Chia seeds has more Calcium then an 8oz glass of milk, More omegas then a piece of fish and more potassium than a banana. It is loaded with nutrition.
The American indians used to take a canteen of water and a pouch of Chia seeds with them on hunting trips that lasted up to 2 weeks long and that is all they ate and survived on.
 Note that with Chia seeds you need to put in water or juice and shake let it sit for at least 5-10 minutes with you shaking it up in between before you 
Drink it as chia seeds hold up to 8 times their weight in water and they swell up and when they do they make a gel and when you drink them they coat your intestines due to the fiber and when they do be sure you are drinking a lot of water and staying hydrated as they will make you... go... well we are friends now right .. I think I can say the P word with you without being embarrassed right? I mean we are both people right?
It will make you Poop!!
Thats right I said it P o o p .. Poop.. hehe i thought that might give you a giggle.
but seriously it is known to clean people out.

Note though that it is very high in fiber and people who have issues with fiber this might not be a good thing for them to try until they get their system more healed and ready for it. 

You can get Chia seeds from most stores you can ask someone at your local grocery store if they carry Chia seeds and where they are. Some stores carry them in their bulk section while others sell them pre packed. Chia seeds range from $3-$5 for 12-16oz

We will be adding more to this list. If there is anything specific you would like to know about and see if we have tried anything and want our feed back on it. please comment below and we will be happy to help you if we can.
We are making this Blog as a way to give back all the knowledge we have to help others who might be struggling in situations we have faced and are looking for answers that we may have learned over the years and help you comb through the vast information in one simple to read and understand and fun place.

We Hope to make this enjoyable as well as educational and inspirational to read please come back for more and check for updates.

In Christ,

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