I Hope you are having a Blessed Week and this is encouraging you to start getting on or helping you on the path to better health and bringing you knowledge in an understandable way Please continue to come back as we will be also posting about Recipes in time to come as well as food and beauty items that we have tried and that we have enjoyed using ourselves.
Before I continue on this list I would like to make a disclaimer, We are in no way doctors just normal people who have struggled with seeing our loved ones suffer and took the time to do research and try multiple things that some help and some didn't but that doesn't mean they won't help for you, but since we are not doctors please before you start anything new especially if you are on medication please consult your physician before adding anything supplemental.
We are here to just share what we have learned on our journey to healthy living.
We are not at this time sponsored in any way for any of the products we are sharing we are just sharing ones we have tried and use there are many others out there and with Prayer and time you can find things to help and we Hope this gives you a guide on where you can start.
lets continue with the list shall we :)
11. Ceylon Cinnamon-
Ceylon cinnamon is a pretty awesome thing. it is not your average cinnamon that you get at the store it has to say Ceylon cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon has many benefits that regular cinnamon doesn't have like for one it helps lower blood sugar, we have read and heard stories of people who have been able to lower or even get off of diabetic medication since taking ceylon cinnamon daily. The differences between regular store bought cinnamon that we know and ceylon cinnamon is a substance called coumarin which is in Cassia cinnamon cassia is the store bought cinnamon that we all know, too much coumarin has been shown in studies to be linked to liver damage and other health issues so too much store bought cinnamon is actually harmful to you. Ceylon cinnamon how ever doesn't have the coumarin and is Amazing in its benefits which start with blood sugar regulation it lowers glucose levels, is an anti-bacterial agent, anti-inflammatory, was mentioned in the Bible, defends against cognitive decline, help lower cancer risk and helps fight infections and viruses, helps protect dental health, helps with allergies and skin and so much more. You can get it in capsules, sticks or ground ceylon cinnamon.
12. Probiotics-
Probiotic means Pro Life, just like Anti biotic means anti life as it is meant to kill bad bacteria and infections but the thing is with antibiotics they also kill off the good bacterias along with the bad, and our bodies are made up of a bunch of good bacterias and if there are too little of them our body is out of balance and it allows for other infections like fungal infections and candida as well as a host of other issues with your stomach and intestines and more.
so if you or anyone else were on a lot of antibiotics throughout your life it would be beneficial if you began a Probiotic, you can get them in capsules or eat fermented foods like Sauerkraut but not every sauerkraut is the same, the one we like to use is Bubbies Sauerkraut you can actually taste a difference in it.
Even if you have not had a lot of antibiotics thats great but you should still add even a light probiotic or eat more fermented foods as it will help your body stay and keep healthy you can not have too many good bacteria in your system.
Probiotics help treat intestinal issues like IBS,Crohns and any other G.I issues you or your loved one may be facing. Probiotics help in boosting your immune system, and help with many health issues.
13. Digestive Enzymes-
Enzymes have been one of the things that have really made a difference in our loved ones lives.
There are many and each one work on a different area. Like Lipase works on breaking down fats.
Protease works on breaking down proteins etc as we get older our enzyme levels decrease, if you have g.i issues more then likely you do not have enough digestive enzymes to help break down your foods.
We like to use a few different ones and are constantly trying new ones, as with many of the things we list we try new forms of it as our bodies do become accustomed to it and it doesn't work as well after a year or so of taking the same and the same dose, and We like to get ones that are an all in one where they have a mix of enzymes to help break down most of not all the different food groups.
Please with enzymes be careful if they have Bile Salts or HCI in I wouldn't recommend to start with those unless you know you need them but I personally would start with less potent like the ones I list below or ones that you find similar. Bile Salts and HCI in particular are strong like stomach acid and too much can cause you to actually be in severe pain like heart burn but in your intestines. I personally recommend you stay away from those in the beginning and if you start those please start with a Tiny bit and keep with as little as possible. But Digestive enzymes Are Great when taken in products like ones I list below.
ones we have liked are
Enzymedica many of their Enzymes are good, for breaking down fats only Lipo Gold is good as well as Digest Gold and their other mixes.
Rainbow brand Advanced Enzyme is good as it also has Tumeric,Peppermint,Bladderwrack and more that help not only break down the foods but also help sooth the stomach and intestine, and give your health a Blessing :)
Natures Sunshine Protease.
Also a Specific Enzyme that has been a Blessing for my family and me personally is Papaya chewable enzymes, they are Great for If you have heart burn, Painful gas, too much gas, and if you over ate, if you chew a few of the papaya enzymes it will help relieve you of your symptoms many if not most of the time
the ones we like are
American Health Chewable SUPER Papaya Enzyme Plus (you can use the regular ones but the SUPER Papaya Enzyme plus Really does make a difference in how fast it works and the peppermint in it actually helps more then the regular
and Many more but these are just a few if you would like more suggestions or have any questions on a product your thinking of trying feel free to comment below we will do our best to help you :)
14. Coconut Water-
Coconut Water is Very beneficial it helps you regain Hydration quicker then drinking water alone as it has so many minerals in it. It has been used in the poorer countries intravenously to rehydrate people as it is compatible with human blood.
It has so many nutrients and it even helps reduce blood pressure.
The main benefit is Hydration it also does other things like helps with digestion and some say help with weight loss.
Hydration is a very important thing if you are not hydrated your body cannot perform well as remember our bodies are made up of mostly water.
Coconut water is Great to drink along with at least 8- 8oz cups of water Daily it cannot just be one day drink it and the next day drink only 2, your body will appreciate you for it :)
There are many coconut water brands the one I Personally like is
Zola as it is non Gmo and has a creamier yet refreshing taste you can learn more about them at
and the one we are using more lately is a Powdered coconut water that you just add to water, its less expensive and you get More for your money.
as a Coconut water bottle or container of coconut water is about $5 each for 2 servings (large bottle)
but with the powder you can get 12 servings for about $9
it is great for those who work outside especially in the heat of summer or those who sweat a lot, great for those in sports or those who suffer from dehydration or have a hard time getting in the 8-8oz glasses of water.
I don't want you to think that because you are adding the coconut water that it means that you don't need to still drink 8-8oz of water daily, you do but it helps you stay hydrated and helps those who are still working at getting in their water amount daily.
the coconut powder we like to use is called
Coco Hydro
they have flavor ones like pineapple and pomegranate I Personally haven't tried the flavor ones I really like and enjoy the original plain but my family members like the pineapple :)
15. Shikai Borage Therapy Lotion-Dry skin
For someone who has struggled with Dry skin most of my life I Tried many lotions and products and none really worked and I asked God to lead me to one and He did and this is the one!
It is natural and It Works! I have shared it with a few people that The Lord has brought in my life and one said her grandson suffered from psoriasis and he was embarrassed too wear shorts and she would rub oil on him to help as his skin was mottled and she would do other more harsh things to try to help but it did very little, so I told her about how the borage therapy helped me, I gave her a little from my bottle to try and she took it home and tried it, She said his skin never felt so soft, she texted me and asked me where I got it, I told her the store and she went and got a bottle, I hadn't seen her for a few weeks so the Next time I did she thanked me for telling her about it, she said His skin hasn't looked as beautiful she said He told her with tears in his eyes that he wasn't embarrassed he could wear shorts to his baseball now and His skin looked so beautiful that her daughter in law his mom seen the benefits and tried as she suffered from it also and her skin was starting to get better also, I am getting teary just writing this remembering. It just shows how God's Love works, He answered my prayer for a lotion, He had me share it and answered the need of a Grandmother and her Grandson.. God's Kids .
It has also helped My Loved ones who have struggled with chapped dry hands, and skin and makes your feet softer then they have been.
That is why I am including a lotion in this list as I know what its like to have such dry skin it hurts.
I Hope you try it and like it.
It is a bit pricy but I found if you search you can get it less expensive online then in stores. ins stores a small 6oz bottle is i believe $7 but the larger are $14 for 8oz an up to $22 for a 16oz bottle
I have found it for as little as $16 for a 16oz bottle on eBay .
they do have travel size also they are great to take in purse, they sell at most Sprouts farmers market.
16. Minerals-
Minerals are Crucial for our Health, as God created us from dust we are made from Minerals, but the food we eat lacks Minerals immensely and due to it most if not all the population is deficient in at least one mineral but it wouldn't surprise me if it was more like most minerals.
to show you the significance of the need of minerals that we are not getting in our food, a woman in the 50's could eat 1 Peach and get all the nutrients she needed for the day now it takes a minimum of 40 peaches to equal out the nutrient amount of the 1 in the 1950's and I learned that over 5 years ago so the amount of peaches could be more now then 40 needed.
A Good Mineral supplement is vital for health.
one we use and have used for a while is
PDCM 72+ (Plant Derived Colloidal Minerals)
there are many good ones out there Good is to get a Good Vitamin + Mineral
one that I Know is Good is
by Food Research called Vitamin-mineral
17. Sea Salt-
Salt is very important as it is a Mineral= Sodium.
Not all salt is the same the iodized salt that most of us are used to is actually not the good salt we need.
we Need salt, Salt is important. Even The Bible says we are to be Salt of the Earth.
We are to season The Earth with God's gospel and Goodness.
Sea salt helps in maintaining hydration, reducing fluid retention ( I know when your swollen most doctors think its because you have too much sodium which can be, but most of the time now we know its because of a deficiency in true salt) it helps increase bone strength,promote natural sleeping patterns,promote balanced ph levels, helps maintain healthy blood sugar and much more.
The type of Salt we need is Sea Salt True Sea Salt from untouched sources and that have not been chemically treated.
The salt from the sea is Gray, Pink and sometimes white but we need True sources of salt.
like Pink himalayan sea salt.
The salt we are used to has been stripped of minerals other then sodium and has placed iodine in it but not the good kind that salt is only good in my opinion for cleaning.
The salt to eat should have minerals like Pink Himalayan Sea Salt it has over 80 known trace minerals that the body needs.
the other Sea Salt that is Good Is Salinas Celtic sea salt. namely the Makai pure that is sourced from deeper then the normal salt.
You can read more about it from their website I will link it below.
19. Apple Cider Vinegar-
Apple Cider Vinegar has an Amazing array of Health benefits from Helping if you are fighting a uti or bladder infection and are suffering from the awful burning you get when urinating (I have experienced this first hand and it helped almost immediately for me and my puppy) yes it helped even my dog she was crying for over an hour i didn't know what to do I was about to take her to the ver and I thought she was constipated because she kept squatting, i did some research and it looked like she had uti so I squirted some apple cider vinegar mixed with colloidal silver and water in her mouth and held her and within about 30 minutes she stopped crying and was back to her old self within 2 hours. she didn't need to go to the vet Praise The Lord!
and I was suffering from burning when I urinated and a frequent urge to go so I took some apple cider vinegar (just a tablespoon mind you) and within about 20 minutes it was gone Praise The Lord!
Apple cider vinegar is known to help many things this is just some of them if you want to learn more you can look it up and youtube benefits of apple cider vinegar as with any of the things we share with you, you should take the time to learn more if you are interested :)
Boosts energy, Aids with weight loss, Helps with maintaining heart health, Helps with sore throat Gargle with a tsp of it when having a sore throat and swallow a bit of raw honey and it will help sooth throat.
Taking apple cider vinegar is known to help with allergies , Helps with digestion, Helps in balancing PH levels, and so much more it is even a Great cleaning agent and gets rid of smells in dishes and more. Great natural cleaner for your house.
Also the Apple Cider Vinegar that we are speaking of is one with the mother which is the apple cider vinegar that is amber in color and not clear see through it needs to be cloudy.
the one we use most often is
Braggs Apple Cider vinegar with the mother
but you can also at times find a good apple cider vinegar with the mother at some local farmers markets just make sure you get it with the mother.
20. Kelp and Sea Vegetables-
Kelp and sea vegetables are important as they contain a lot of minerals and iodine and it is in a way that our bodies are able to easily absorb.
eating kelp or sea vegetables or adding them as supplements to your diet will be beneficial to maintaining healthy mineral levels and more.
a good source is
you can order the mix or get
Kelp pills from any health food store or online also
Again we are not affiliated with any of these if we do become affiliated with Any of the products we mention we will be sure to let you know :) we want to be honest and just share with you things that help and that we have tried. No where on this list or anywhere on this blog or any of our blogs if we have more in the future, will you ever see anything we have not tried personally or someone in our family has tried.
Thank you again for reading and please follow our blog and come back for more.
Please leave in the comments what you think about our blog.
We are new to blogging so we hope you are enjoying it and that you are getting helped from this knowledge and information. if you have any questions or any suggestions please leave them below we are happy to read them and help if we can.
in Christ,